The “Other” Perspective of Sales

I read The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People when I visited Buenos Aires years ago and I continually use it as a reference fo myself and my clients. From cafe to bar, I hopped around scouring the book cover to cover to unearth that of which I didn’t know, and to recapture many of the thoughts I’ve instilled within career- we must never stop learning and never stop realizing that we still have so much more to know- everyday! 

Here’s a book perspective that I particularly want to share today from this resource and it’s also bringing back moments from my trip to Argentina. 

The amateur salesman sells products; the professional sells solutions to needs and problems. The professional learns how to diagnose, how to understand. He also learns how to relate people’s needs to his products and services. If you’re one of the people who is crowding my Linkedin inbox with copy-paste long form emails and blah blah blah, stop that. Personalize your approach and sell me a solution from looking at my website and realizing what I need to know that I don’t! 

Brand managers and CMO’s out there: You have likely received both types of calls: When someone simply pushes their “stuff” (eek!), and the other- where you remain curious because a salesperson took the time to understand how their products or services can actually benefit your business. I strive to be the latter. And you should too. Look there are two types of sales people, lazy and courageous. 

If you’re in sales, your job is to be on the phone and introducing yourself to new prospects. I get it. it’s a hard job. Trust me, I did it for years, but I was a badass and that lead me to my success in developing a 6-figure strategic marketing agency which lead further to today, leading the Elizabeth Barry Consulting Agency providing business coaching and consulting to executives and entrepreneurs. But here’s my difference between what I did and what “the other perspective of sales people, the lazy ones do or did” (I say did because maybe you’ll hire me and I can help you change because you can.) I always sat down to prep my work before prospecting clients. I reviewed their brand, the people at the brand, their challenges and solutions and thought about ways that my products and services could be the niche that was missing in their marketing programs. I looked to understand their challenges and offered possibilities to offer. 

And THAT is why I like to keep reading and that’s why I do what I do now because we don’t know what we don’t know and coaching masterminds are a baller way to be humbled. 

I believe in what I do. I believe that you believe in what you do and perhaps you simply need new tools or book recommendations to be the change you want to see in yourself and your commissions checks. 

What’s frustrating you with sales right now? Are you stuck? If so, give me a call. Look around at my website and email me. If you reach out to me within 5 days of this post going love, I am offering you $100 off your last month of coaching for a 6 month program. Get it.
