Land on the Moon, or a Landing Page

If you want your message to be thought of as over the moon, here’s my point of view on how to make it happen. And whether you believe we landed on the moon or it was a conspiracy, that’s besides the point. But even cooler is this weekend is a Blood moon and an eclipse and oh so much is happening cosmically, so why not equate landing pages and landing on the moon. Work must be fun, and if it’s not, you’re in the wrong mindset. 

Ok, so… You’re a brand manager, CEO, entrepreneur- And if you are, you always have something to share with your audience. Whether you’re ready to launch a new product, website, or special offer, a landing page is a great way to drive new traffic, deliver a focused message and increase your sales funnel. 

Landing pages give you awesome control. And just like we don’t have much control over our gravity in space, we have little control when we don’t have a focussed page with a campaign, right?! So… Let’s make a footprint by creating a campaign that makes your customers and prospects think, act, react or smile. Here are a few of the ways that we can start a relationship based upon a landing page campaign idea. This is the perfect conversation starter between you and me- I’m a personal and professional development business coach and years of experience in marketing and sales which leads you to not only creating success but finding inner peace while doing so. That’s a win-win. 

  • Testing 1,2,3. As someone with big ideas, you want to put your best foot forward. Sometimes that takes a little testing to see how customers react. When you build landing pages, you can set up A/B testing, which allows you to test different headlines, copy, calls-to-action and images. Once you know what your customers are responding to, you can push the winning page out to the masses.
  • Focus. What are you trying to accomplish? Selling a product? Building your database? Promoting a specific discount or offer? This is your chance to focus on targeted messaging without increasing the clutter on your homepage. If you don’t, your message gets lost in space, and so does your sales. (And perhaps maybe a bit of your brand image). A cluttered home page is not the way you want to lead, my friends.
  • Track your goals. Where are you sending visitors from your digital advertising? Are they going into oblivion or are they being spoken to in a way to increase conversion rates? It’s your call. You know better. Don’t just throw them on any old page. They’ll leave you quicker than you’ll be downing your wine on a Friday night.


As a Business Coach and Consultant, of Elizabeth Barry Consulting agency based out of Jersey City NJ -working with leaders from across the United States, my goal is to help make the best suggestions that build relationships. Sometimes it doesn’t have to include an overwhelmingly enormous budget to begin. 

Often times, our conversations about your goals lead to a campaign that can spark the light to soar ahead into space or shoot or the moon and land on a star. Sometimes our conversations can lead to a partnership that skyrockets into a big business deal or idea. 

Simply put… landing page campaigns are simple to implement and massively effective. What does your test project look like? Let’s think about it. Together. 

One of my favorite lines from way back when we had Black and White Television was from Ralph Cramden, “To the Moon, Alice!” So, let’s go! 

If you’re reading this blog post within 5 days of it launching, you can receive $100 off a 6 month coaching program with me which equates to $900 total off because I always give discounts for my clients who pay up front. If you want $100 off one month of the 6 months, we can do that too! It will be added to your 6th month. Either way, email me today and look around at my website because I can help you soar, and your message land the way you wish with your clients. It’s my specialty.

Land on the Moon, or a Landing Page[learn_press_profile]